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Martin Eggert
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Martin Eggert

Coloristic realism' - I think these words probably best cover my style. My pictures are realistic and look almost like photographs, but with strong, clear colors.
I mainly paint landscapes and the subjects of my pictures are typical elements from the Danish landscape that everyone knows. Many are from the Ry and Silkeborg area. The characteristics are cornfields, meadows, hedgerows, free-standing trees in open fields, beaches - in all seasons. The pictures depict the atmosphere in nature and the landscape: the tranquility and idyll of the summer landscape, the lonely tree, the unrest and the horror in a threatening dark sky.

Vær den første til at se Martin Eggert's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

'Færgen afgår' af Martin Eggert
'Badende Piger' af Martin Eggert
'Havgus' af Martin Eggert
'Havgus nærmer sig' af Martin Eggert
'Strandeng ved Vestkysten' af Martin Eggert
'Svaner i skumring' af Martin Eggert

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Udstillings Datoer


Gallery Habsoe, 2007-2021.

The Gallery has organised numerous exhibitions in Denmark during 14 years.

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