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Malene Heyde Stubbæk
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Malene Heyde Stubbæk

Stubbæk Art by M.H. Stubbæk.

The artist, Malene Heyde Stubbæk, by Stubbæk Art paints passionate oil paintings with power in them. She juggles with colors and composition to the extreme in her works. Despite a multitude of colors, the artworks appear harmonious, full of energy and balanced with a refined carefully adapted color scale with a great presence and strong contrasts. Malene Heyde Stubbæk is passionate about the importance of colors both in the naturalistic (realism) and in the abstract universe.

It is channeled, developing journeys that one embarks on in her works. A kind of cosmic journey from the present to all the possibilities of dreams and inner goals. All for the highest utmost good. Anything can happen in her works.
Magic happens when she paints, she forgets time and everything else around her. She paints intuitively, and thereby shapes and colors emerge. She feels the passion, the energy, the love - when all of that starts to be reflected in the picture, and things eventually come together into a higher unity, then the work is finished.
For Malene Heyde Stubbæk, works of art are a gift to all of us with strong potential for development, well-being, balance and joy.

Malene Heyde Stubbæk attaches great importance to the fact that all materials are of high quality and that the craftsmanship is thorough. Everything is hand painted in her works.

Malene Heyde Stubbæk has a studio in Søborg on the northern edge of Copenhagen, which you can always visit by appointment, have an art talk and see the artworks.

The artist, Malene Heyde Stubbæk, is a member of the following artist communities:
* Hornbæk Artists.
* Art in Churches in Gladsaxe.
* The Art School & the Artists' Community Anne's Atelier.

For unique customized requests for commissioned works, inquiries or further interest, Malene Heyde Stubbæk can be contacted via email Stubbaek.art@gmail.com or by SMS/call to phone no.: +45 3020-3434.

Homepage: https://stubbaekart.com/

Instagram: Stubbaek.art
Link: https://instagram.com/stubbaek.art?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Instagram: Malene Heyde Stubbaek
Facebook: Stubbæk Art
Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071387720518

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THE ART FAIR -Kunst for Alle. (Lokomotivværkstedet)

Det Kgl. Teater. (Gl. scene)

Oscar Bar og Cafe v/Kbh. Rådhusplads. (Copenhagen C)

Kunst i Kirker i Gladsaxe. (Gladsaxe Kirke)

Art Hillerød. (Royal Stage)

CPH Art Space. (Docken)

Galleri ArtRoom. (Hedehusene)

Gallery ArtTour. (Hillerød)

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