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René Tromborg

René Tromborg

My name is René Tromborg, 47 years old living in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I am very inspired by the graphic element of graffiti and the colorful and often simple expressions of pop art.

My paintings start with a sketch on paper, where I work with composition and perspective. It is important to me that it is in place before I move on to the canvas and paint. I do a lot of sketching :)
Color choices and light / shadow are also something I work on a lot, in order to get the right depth and feeling in the image.
I paint freehand and although my pictures have a tight graphic expression, they are painted without the use of masking tape etc. I think that gives the picture a more vivid and analog expression.

I have painted a lot of graffiti in the past and have even exhibited a few times with graffiti canvases. I have had graffiti with me since the 80s where I fell in love with hip hop, but it also got new life in the 4 years I lived in Brooklyn, New York where I worked as a music producer / songwriter in the 00’s.

In the future I dream of doing more exhibitions and work in a bigger format doing murals.