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Louise Hjorth Jespersen
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Louise Hjorth Jespersen

I’m educated at the School of Architecture in Aarhus and have experience from many years of working digitally with design and graphics. I realised that I prefer working with physical material, so now I paint in my studio i Aarhus C.

I paint because it gives me an intoxicating feeling of freedom!

I paint abstract because it’s a great way of processing complex stories from a mind that doesn’t think visually. See my works as a session of associations (thoughts, words, images) that have only been frozen for a second. The visual elements move in different directions because of an undercurrent that pushes, resolves and rejects static objects.

I also paint faces that are strongly influenced by ceramic sculptures. Uneven cracks and colors in clay and glazings respond very well to my wish for dynamic movement whereas perfection would be static to me. I want to push proportions and I find immense joy in creating recognizable features with very abstract techniques.

I paint expressively and experimentally with room for any serendipities. Every brushstroke is a new association and the possibilities with colors, textures, methods and tools are endless. I usually mix colors directly on the canvas and I also add and remove paperrippings from old books, because of the detailed surprises this can create.

All this ultimately provide the balance between graphic expression, quivering intensity and emotional satiety that determines that the painting is done.

Vær den første til at se Louise Hjorth Jespersen's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Nøgen af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
100⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Løg(n) af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
60⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
4.000 DKK
Dagsformen af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
120⨯90 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Ung af Louise Hjorth Jespersen


90⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
The crew af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
140⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
13.000 DKK
Tankespind af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
120⨯90 cm (H⨯W)
Straitjacket af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
6.400 DKK
The favorite af Louise Hjorth Jespersen
90⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
6.300 DKK

Følg mig på de sociale medier

Udstillings Datoer


2023 Djursland Sparekasse | Grenaa
2022 Værker hos ArtCompaz | Horsens, København
2022 Solo hos Jarsbo Contemporary Art | Aalborg
2022 Værk antaget på censuret udstilling, Mississippi | Vestjylland
2021 WORKS ART FAIR | Aarhus
2019 Værk antaget på HCA Festival censureret | Odense
2017 Værk antaget på HCA Festival censureret | Odense

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